Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Winning 'TEDster'

Chapter 67
Tuesday morning... Simmy woke and allowed the events of the long weekend to wash through her soul,... examining, sifting, testing all the acts of service to see if they had bloomed out of a seed of love.
'Oh, it's my birthday today,' she thought. 'What do I wish to do today?'
'Write, and create my art, without feeling guilty that I don't earn a paycheck. Yes, a guilt-free day!'
Up, out of bed and to the coffee pot she sprang...
Today, the Riverwood pastor was going to ask everyone to share their big dream with him, so... he could get involved with 'nurturing it into being.'
As she pondered what her story should include today, she went to her stack of journals to find the clue. She came across a quote in the entry date: April 26, 2008... (Taken from the book 'Restoring the Christian Soul through Healing Prayer by Leanne Payne p.68)
'"The journey of life is, as Fr. Alan Jones has said, "for setting love in order."'
"Who is Fr. Alan Jones?" Simmy googled his name and came across an interview on 'Learn Out Loud' that had her sipping coffee, taking notes and looking for the root form of 'credo.' 
Quote from the interview...'In Shakespeare or Chaucer the word believer means to love, to prize, to hold dear, to act upon, to be committed to, to trust... and 'credo' meant to 'give ones' heart.'
She combined that thought with the Nehemiah 1:6b prayer, also quoted on page 68 of Payne's book, and the sentence following that prayer quote, where Payne had written, '"I confess the sins we Israelites, including myself and my father's house, have committed against you.'" "'Or we may need to help the person forgive the circumstances of a lifetime.'"

Instantaneously, she thought about the red silk blanket she had purchased from the 'Global Gift Shop' and she set the scene, outdoors, and took a symbolic picture, "Poor people in third world countries have much to forgive us for. Selling their goods to a wealthy country should put food on their tables." She coined her 'TEDster' speech but only the dried leaves listened. "That is why I purchased the 'fair trade' item made in Thailand. It was woven by women who live on the Maritime route of the ancient 'Silk Road.' Women who know that 'what their hands weave every day' is the difference between life and death for their families."
She still remembered the day... out shopping with a pastors' wife, she had tried to explain her 'larger' ideas but she knew she had not successfully planted the seed, not that day...!
Now, to convince J.P. to spend some of his movie budget, purchasing from a 'fair trade' organization.

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