In the evening, Sam took Simmy out for dessert.
Always on the lookout for movie scene possibilities, they drove down a street close to the 'Dessert Shoppe' having purchased their expectations.
The name of the apartment jumped out at her, and Simmy said quickly, "I'd like to snap a picture of that entrance-way and show it to J.P. It may be a bit too 'Jason Bourne' for him but I love the espionage sound of it... Blackstone."
"Isn't that combining the special ops names from a couple of the movies? This movie he's doing is a little more low-key."
"Mmm, but he can't get too boring. It still needs to be exciting."
"Oh, now his parents are secret agents? I think that movie was done this year, too."
"It wouldn't be very difficult to make a physicist into a 'James Bond' kind of character. Every movie/story is always about the same thing... bad guy wants power for his own means... good guy has brains and, therefore, power... bad guy tries to use good guy... good guy fights back, looking stunningly handsome in a tuxedo... women swoon, men try to squeeze into the tuxedo as good guy suddenly develops amazing fighting skills... bad guy goes down... woman gets her hero and... everybody Wins!"
"Don't forget the big romantic kiss at the end."
"That goes without saying," Simmy smiled.
"Happy Birthday, Eve Lyn, happy birthday,

Happy Birthday to you, me."
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