Sunday, March 11, 2012

Soil, Seeds and Prayer

Although it seemed a bit early for planting... Sam and Simmy had purchased seeds on Saturday and when they paid for the soil and seeds, the man who took the payment said, "You have to plant those geraniums this weekend or else it will be too late for this year."
Ahh, so that's why Simmy had felt the need to buy seeds this early. This would be the first time they tried growing geraniums from seed. Usually she purchased those as little 'babies' when stores sold them early in the season to jump start sales after a lean winter.
"Plants can get wet rot you know," the man taking their money said. "It could happen to your plants."
He seemed to be looking at Simmy in a rather challenging way. Simmy replied firmly, "Oh, it won't happen to my plants. I pray over them."
The man looked away and didn't say anything but his wife looked at Simmy interestingly and smiled shyly, nodding in what appeared to be agreement.
Saturday turned to Sunday and the topic at church was kind of similar. The pastor wanted everyone to pick a few homes in the area and agree to pray for these people for a year.
After the homework of hand writing letters was accomplished, Sam and Simmy delivered their letters (soil) into the mailboxes of the homes, (planting seeds), promising a year of prayer.
And so it begins...

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Ain't Black & White, Sherlock

Simmy decided to go for a walk to the grocery store. Sam was taking a nap so he would be up for a rousing night of 'Ticket to Ride' with the family. Youngest construction son and his wife had just purchased the 'Marklin' Germany edition and it was always exciting to play a new game.
Simmy was still a few yards away from the store when a man came bursting out of the door, rushed towards her and asked if she had some change (money), for the bus.
With the new budget for this year being adhered to with verve and determination... Simmy did not have any change but she did have some money because she'd just gone to the bank. Not feeling safe, being somewhat accosted in the parking lot, she didn't answer right away so the man asked if she would buy him a sandwich.
To that Simmy replied immediately, "Yes, I'll buy you a sandwich."
As she went into the store, the man told her he had been kicked out of the mission for a couple of months for having cigarettes on him.
Things sounded a bit 'fishy' so Simmy asked, "Did you lie about it?"
"No! I did not lie," he said, rather vehemently.
Simmy just proceeded to the cooler with all the sandwiches and the man stopped and said, "I don't think they have sandwiches here."
Now Simmy was a little suspicious because they were standing right in front of the sandwiches but she just calmly said, "Oh yes, they do. They're right here. Pick what you like."
"Can I have this one?" He was pointing to a large loaf of bread that would feed about four, or more, people.
"I don't think you can eat all that," Simmy was thinking practically and figuring he would throw out most of it if he wasn't spending his own money to buy it.
Simmy suggested a footlong sandwich instead which she thought he might be able to finish if he was hungry.
As they stood in line, she asked, "What's your name?"
He was standing rather 'too close' to her so she wasn't sure if she smelled alcohol or mouthwash???
He said, "Watson!"
Simmy was thinking, 'Yah? Well, I'm Sherlock!"
Instead she said, "Where did you get the drink?"
He seemed outraged and said, "I don't drink or smoke."
Simmy scrunched her eyebrows remembering... He just said he got kicked out the Mission for smoking.
Hmmm... but he doesn't lie either... Hmmm!
"I don't have a place to sleep," he angled.
Simmy thought... a guy who doesn't smoke, drink or lie but has just been caught in all three acts... isn't likely to make a good house guest.
Instead she said, "I like to have a drink when I think the pastor isn't watching me."
To this he replied, "I wish I could have fallen in love with you."
Simmy replied, "I have a husband who keeps a close eye on me."
She felt the need to let this hombre know he was going to have to face somebody a lot less agreeable if he got 'fresh' with her.
She paid for the sandwich, gave him the few dollars of change so he could catch a bus and then went to get her groceries.
As she walked home, she thought about the whole incident and felt she could have done the whole thing a lot better... she beat herself up about it for an hour... said a few swear words and then felt much better when Sam said, "You need to learn to say 'no.'"
At least she could feel good that she had done something.
It just ain't black and white!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

International Women's Day Justice

Simmy went to check out one of her favorite stores. The moment she walked in, a women accosted her,... well, not exactly accosted, and asked for design advice. 
As she started to penn 'er story, Simmy chuckled as she recalled, "I usually charge for consultations, you know!" The woman quickly apologized and stepped away... and Simmy thought, "Hey, it's International Women's Day...," and she gave a gift of help.
After this, she strolled around the store and came across the bargain of all bargains... A rug that was half the price that the slave driver she used to work for could even buy them for... was this right?
She decided to take it home for a try out... you can do that, you know...