Sunday, October 10, 2010

Blessing of Sunrise

Chapter 65 (cont'd)
The sunrise on this Thanksgiving Sunday was spectacular. Sam had peeked out the front window and said, "Oh, the sunrise has some interesting colour in it. I've never seen green in it."
On cue, Simmy took her camera and stepped out the front door. She captured a couple of beautiful, full of feeling, shots and then went into the back yard to see if there was a better view of the sunrise there. She hurried back in to report, "It's even more spectacular from the back yard but I don't want to crawl up on the shed to get a shot."
Sam put his newspaper down, and straightened his shoulders as he said, "Let me see! I can climb onto the roof of the shed."
Like a hero, he got he ladder out and soon had two spectacular pictures of the sunrise.
"Leave the ladder out, Sam. I want to get a bouquet of sweet peas later. They were my grandmothers' favorite flower and I want to give my Mom a batch when they come for Thanksgiving dinner."
Truly, it was crazy that the sweet peas had grown over the top of the roof of the gazebo. A fourteen foot wall of sweet peas, blooming in October.
No, global warming isn't real.
Sam went back to reading the newspaper and Simmy checked to make sure the pies, just hours out of the oven, had cooled and were ready to be refrigerated.
Two of the pumpkin pies had been baked in 'giveaway' plates to make them easy to send home with parents or married children.
The turkey had been placed by the sink, ready to be put into the oven.
The oldest son just got out of the shower, ready to do his 'techie' service at 'The Cross.'
Blessings were pouring down from the mountain. The Abrahamic covenant included healing, prosperity, family well-being, in addition to salvation.

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