Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Boardroom Teamwork

Chapter 67 (cont'd)
Eve Lyn called to wish Simmy a 'Happy Birthday.
"I'm looking for someone to give me some information on 'buyback links.' My sons are construction gurus, not marketing buffs."
"You should speak to Danial. He's a computer whiz."
An hour later, Danial called to fill Simmy's ears with his vast amount of knowledge. "I actually have a degree in 'marketing, economics,..."
The 'creative genius' mind that Simmy lived in starting tuning out... but then, tuning back in... "The company you're talking about, is a legitimate company and I think they're even in the textbooks as an example of 'marketing strategies,'... Simmy grabbed her coffee cup to try to stay awake... but then, suddenly she was awake, "You may think your blog is special but really they just pick... so,..."
Now, Simmy was awake.
Not special?
Just one of 100,000?
OOH! Good thing he's my nephew,
or I'd box his ears...
"Ear to the ground, ear to the ground, Simmy! Breath Deep! Relax! Remember your anger management skills...!"
"Keep your eye on the door... there is a door, you just have to find it, and walk right on in..."
Danial, now doing the turnaround boredom act said, (Yawn!),
"Give me the blog address... I'll check it out... 'Oh, that's good... pause of confusion... simple, really good...' Simmy blew on her fingers in a 'read it little nephew... I've got the right stuff..."
Simmy cranked up the Neil Diamond song on those hot little surround speakers, her son had purchased.
She just loved the way the sub-woofer blasted little puffs of air on her ankles when they were... maximized.
Bah, bi bah, bah bah... "Oh, I love my great ideas..., Play it now, play it now,... we got all night to set the world right..."

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