Saturday, October 23, 2010

Hide 'n Seek Innocence

Chapter 73 (cont'd)
Sam, let's go into that little wooded neighborhood, over the bridge. It makes me feel like I'm back in the country again.
The evening was warm enough that residents of this small community were raking leaves and enjoying the pre-winter velvet of the air. Canadians knew the bite of cold was around the bend.
As they slowly navigated the gravel back lane, Sam stopped to let Simmy get some 'snapshots in time.'
As she got out, on this one bend, she could hear the laughter of children coming from a field on the other side of a clump of trees.
The sound of their laughter traveled up the leaf-softened treaded path and it took Simmy back in time to the hamlet where she had grown up and a time of innocence when parents didn't need to worry about their children playing hide n' seek after dark.
The hay on the fields was bailed and the farmer was settling in for the winter.

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