Saturday, October 23, 2010

Benefit Sale Diamonds (a.k.a. Garage Sale Diamonds)

Chapter 74
Simmy woke with a sore throat, fuzzy head and a churning stomach. Sam must have given her that flu he'd been battling all week. 'The gift of sleeping together!'
As she pondered the events of the previous evening, she fingered the jewelry that she'd purchased at the 'Christian Centre' basement sale that Sam had scouted out last night.
A Catholic/Anglican joint venture since 1967/1968; Simmy had placed the names of the two different denominations on top of each other and found that 'Parish' lined up perfectly both times (see picture above). The rest ended up looking like hieroglyphics.
 Friday night...
Sam hurried her over to the jewelry table. Simmy had coined the phrase 'Garage Sale Diamonds' and Sam was quite happy to let her buy as many 'diamonds' as she wished from these ventures.
Simmy spotted a 'Bvlgari' bracelet... a magazine picture popped into her head. Was this the real thing? The bracelet had 'Made in Italy' stamped into the inside of it but 'Made in Korea' stamped on the back of the dangling trademark pendant.
Sam said, "It's likely a fake. It looks like the silver was poured on top of the lettering."
"Oh well, it was exciting for a moment or two and think of how happy I made that woman who sold me all that jewelry. She tallied up every 50 cent item until we got to a whopping $9.00.
Saturday morning...
"Hey Sam, did you know that Constantino and Laura Bulgari hid three Jewish women in their own home after the 1943 raid of the Roman ghetto?"
"Mmm hmm," Sam was reading his newspaper.
"They were awarded the title 'Righteous among the Nations' on December 31, 2003; that's not very long ago."
Simmy kept reading. "Yad Vashem awarded it to them. Did you know that name originates from Isaiah 56:5- 'I will give in my house and within my walls a monument and a name better than sons and daughters; I will give them an everlasting name which shall not be cut off.'"
"Which version is that?" Sam asked.
"That's the 'Revised Standard Version.' You know, Sam, I'm going to wear this bracelet to church tomorrow. I admire that kind of Nahuatl 'machismo.'"
"What is Nahuatl machismo?" Sam asked with monotone garbling of the word for comedic relief.
"Translated to the Spanish 'ejemplar,' it means 'one that is worthy of imitation.'"
"Are you being punny again?" Sam nudged quirkily.
Simmy smirked and her eyes were twinkling, "The young boy that Deborah is babysitting told me, this week, that they're currently studying the 'Holocaust' in school."
"What grade is he in?" Sam asked.
"Grade 5 or 6. I know he's a 'crossing guard' and West Meadows has a school guard crossing policy that apprentices the kids in Grade 5 before they're given full responsibility and privilege in Grade 6."

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