Thursday, October 14, 2010

Elbow Grease Hope

Chapter 68
Thursday morning... Simmy woke with the thoughts of her little U.S. protege still running through her head.
Mentor-ship, not an easy thing... how to tell young people that success comes to them the same way it came to their grandparents... a lot of elbow grease and sacrifice.
As she got out of bed... 'oh, ouch, my ankles are sore'... oh, yes, roller blading... or was it the music blasting air on her ankles with Diamonds' songs.
"Great, I've got a case of sub-woofer ankles. Boy oh boy, when I let my hair down, I let my hair down. Shh, don't let people know you have a wild side," she thought.
She'd love to vent out a good lecture to little protege... 'You know, I purchased a stove for the first time this year... after cooking on a 1940's old thing that came out of an old house... it was left there because even they didn't want it...I cooked on that thing for 28 years... beat that, you eco- friendly preachers... they'd purchased every element for that model that existed in the city... then, after there weren't anymore,... (she still wondered what that business owner on Erin Street had been thinking- 'never thought I'd sell those elements 40 years later')... Sam had straight-wired the next few elements and she'd kept baking for the next 14 years...
(Warning- not recommended to those who 'don't know what they're doing'- oh yah, that was us)
Oh pah, then she'd have to follow that up with a disclosure on her hydro bills... boy had they gone down since she'd been cooking on this new stove... but she'd also been heating the house with all that air that escaped from the old stove... true, the only room that had been warm was the kitchen... was that why her family were always grumbling about the house being so cold... if they'd have been cold enough they would have come to help in the kitchen...
Simmy looked at the brand new shiny pot she had found in the storage room a couple of days ago. The old stove hadn't been able to heat well enough to get that amount of water to a boil, but now... she could put all her turkey bones into that big pot and make tons of soup.
Start today with prayer Simmy... an ASA prayer... "Dear Lord, may I, humble little, okay, feisty little nobody,

Amorphous lump of clay, be transformed by a
Skilled potters' hands into a work of
and may I be patient with all the whiners... Amen."

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