Thursday, November 4, 2010

Official Council Ruled

Chapter 82
The battle to discern between right and wrong; hidden and exposed and hidden again; character corruption; the blame game; and finally, the poison of these two people, so entwined in each other, a mutually acted out agreement of disrespect turned volatile in a systematic vortex of hate sucking the life out of anyone who came near them. 
This was the story of 'Rock' and form of 'Itself.' It was a sad story. They had 9 children who suffered, married, more suffered... 
Now the council had ruled... it was time to move ahead.
"Hey Sam, want to know your song today?"
Sam looked at Simmy with something akin to trepidation, such had been the last few days of family turmoil.
"It's a good thing... it's by Jim Croce... 
I've got a name
I've got a dream
And I carry it with me like my Daddy did
But I'm living the dream that he kept hid..."
"Whatever he dreamed about, he kept it hid and abused everyone around him instead of softening to the possibilities of life."
"Moving ahead so life won't pass me by..." 
"That's what we need to do now... move ahead."
"I googled 'asunder' to see if any wisdom might present... 
I came across this quote today attributed to Algernon Sidney... 
'Everyone sees they cannot well live asunder, nor many together, without some rule to which all must submit.'
"Submit," Sam spit the word like it was poison. "They didn't submit to each other, not my folks."
Simmy had image after image flash through her mind of the power struggles of these two passive and aggressive people.
"There was a quote directly above the one by Sidney... it said, 'Law and equity are two things which God has joined, but which man has put asunder."
Sam nodded, "So are you suggesting that my folks put themselves asunder?"
"Yes, I am. The 'council of 5' at the hospital just had to rule to make it official." 

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