Sunday, November 21, 2010

House of David

Chapter 100 (cont'd)
At Wood River church, Sam and Simmy met a young couple who had moved to the city from the country. Another couple stopped to talk to Sam.
Sam said, "Simmy, meet these people. David and Master Counselor Monica."
Simmy said hello and asked many probing questions. It was just her way!
David had been 'in residence' for ye..ars... and would be for a few more years. He seemed to be working on the connections between meta and physical.
She sensed that, between this young couple, they would connect well in a meta- theory as long as the consideration of a solid rock foundation of meta-property was adhered to. Methods, form and utility might be individualized but the foundation would keep them strong, together.
Sam and Simmy were very excited as they had been invited to the D&L, beloved and superior, teachers' home. What a gift, to sit down to a home-cooked meal. 
The table was crowded with young adults, all making their way in the world.
One of the young men had tagged his first deer and this was an exciting event for him. The surname of this 'Little House on the Prairies' family was becoming genuinely real.
His girlfriend was a beautiful jewel named Jade. It suited her well.
Simmy had noted the shower curtain the moment she had walked into the bathroom.
Right then, Simmy should have expected the wonderful home style meal that was served.
Such a lost art, cooking from scratch.
As Simmy pitched her ideas for what she was hoping to find in a 'small group.' She found out that D-painter (say it with an accent) was capable and L-sew-clean (pronounced so clean) was also handy. This just might work.
As they pulled away from the house, a 'young mom' neighbor, on friendly chatting terms with Simmy, waved as her young son played in the snow.
It was a lovely snow packed Sunday.
Just enough love and exchanging of ideas to get one started for another week of serving the world.

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