Chapter 99 (cont'd)
The first thing Simmy tackled when she went to the shoppe was... shoveling the courtyard. The upholsterer came outside after about half an hour and said, "No, no, don't wear yourself out doing that. Those people don't use the front door. (He was talking about the painters on the other side.)
"This is the only part we need to shovel."
"Does it get filled in with snow here?" Simmy asked.
"No, no, we are lucky! The snow mostly stays away from this corner!" Upholsterer said.
Simmy had noticed that there was a wind swirl, exactly the same as the one beside her house. Last week the leaves had been playing tag in that corner, merrily chasing each other in a circle.
Today, that same wind swirl was chasing the snow out of that corner. Yes! Simmy was ready for some 'uncluttered paths' to come her way.
She noticed some ladies pausing to check out her first attempt at advertising!
It was a really blustery day but the lady leaning over read the whole ad while her cohorts huddled impatiently nearby.
Simmy took some beautiful photos for her wedding party blog and then decided to call it a day.
As she got close to her driveway she noticed construction son shoveling, oh, the youngest one.
"Did you quit early too?" Simmy said to baby construction son.
"The material didn't come for the jobsite," he replied.
"Oh, I'm sorry! I know how you hate losing a day of work."
He didn't reply to that so Simmy said, "I told my boss to 'shove it,' I was going home early... maybe to bake cookies or something. What do you think of that?"
Construction son had just a tinge of a smile in his tone, although he tried hard to hide it.
"You're the boss," he said drolly.
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