Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Hot Ice Tree

Chapter 102 (cont'd)
As Simmy started typing, she thought, 'Ouch! Why are my fingers so sensitive?'
"Oh! Ha! Ha! It's that thermoplastic adhesive that linked to my fingers as I was fitting these rough-cut 'cross-linkable' polymers together. Ooh, that hurts!"
It took about 7 hours but, the 'rough- cut diamond tree' was ready for display.
'No! They're not real ice. They're re-purposed ice- acrylic ice!'
One thought led to another and soon Simmy had the scientific name for the tree...

The Cross- Linkable Polymer Tree- "Boy, does that lose the Romance in the translation."
She posed a mock-up and put on her ad voice, "Come see the 'Cross-Linkable Polymer Tree' created by the artist 'El Unique.' Oh wait, that's a double meaning... and so is that... and that...
Scientists may have the technical terms but it takes a wordsmith to come up with,
"The Hot Ice Tree!"

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