Monday, February 27, 2012

Church Hat Blues

6:30 a.m. Monday morning... would Deborah be awake and, if she was, would she appreciate an offer of going shopping at 7:00 a.m.
Simmy decided to risk it. Deborah answered quite quickly and Simmy drew her hand across her brow with a Whew! at least I didn't wake her relief.
"Well," Deborah said, "I would go out if I was showered... but I'm not yet!"
So, Simmy headed out to see if any other crazy shoppers were out that early. It was kind of icy out and the car in front of her suddenly decided it was going to turn so... stop it did... Simmy applied her brakes... stop she didn't...
so, what the heck, she was driving a 4x4, so... up the snowy boulevard, avoid that tree, down the boulevard, and on she went,... just a bit too busy to honk her horn to let 'can't decide where I want to turn' driver that she was somewhat displeased at the slow signal display and the fast decision making on an icy Monday.
Well, at least she had avoided an accident for both of them.
She did her fabric shopping, purchased a roast, went back home to make a homemade cream of mushroom soup, put the roast in the slow cooker, pre-washed the fabric, made a flower, adorned the church hat that had belonged to Deborah's mother with a spunky flower, wrote a sweet card to mother- in- law who liked getting mail at the old folks' home, sent a happy 'new home' card to the people who Sam helped move on Saturday...
then the phone rang. It was Deborah.
"We should start a business, you and I."
Simmy's eyeballs bugged out as she patiently said, "I have more than enough work with the business I already have and writing books."
She hoped it sounded more diplomatic than she felt.
11:00 a.m.- still Monday morning...
Finally, Simmy dissolved in a heap of exhaustion on the sofa and sent Sam a text to let him know how hard she had been working. Then at the end of the text message she wrote, "... and you?"
A little beep later soon needed a bleep as Sam responded with, "Too much to list!"
This was followed by, 'Heh, heh, heh!'
Simmy felt her feisty kitty attitude rise but all she responded with was, 'That is an evil laugh.'
Then she went to put her feet up. 

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