Monday, February 20, 2012

Affordable Luxury

... is a term that is bandied about as if every marketeer who brands his 'goods or services' with these words... somehow can help us all feel that if we would just buy this liqueur or go to this resort or buy this car... we would be living the prized life of affordable luxury.
But... what if affordable luxury is simplified.
Here is a list of affordable luxuries that may be new thoughts on a seductive phraseology...
  • sleeping late on a holiday
  • sitting together without anyone needing to... talk, work, do
  • enjoying food together
  • enjoying sunshine
  • enjoying pets
  • appreciating- people; talents; gifts
  • appreciating oneself and how wonderfully we are made, (which we had nothing to do with)
  • appreciating the One Who did
  • losing oneself in the luxury of good thoughts
  • lacking nothing in the moments of the day
Now that's an acronym for affordable luxury... make it your own.

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