Saturday, December 3, 2011

'December' Trember

Sam and Simmy had been very excited to go see 'December,' a play by Marc Moir of 'Padre X' fame. The play is about the 1989 Romanian revolution and... the music is borrowed from the Beatles.
Firstly, Simmy and Sam had been sponsoring a Romanian child since about the year 2000 A.D. through

The investment of these past years was paying off and the young man was currently teaching deaf children, in Romania. He is also deaf. This investment was an orphan who was never visited by anyone while living at the orphanage.
So, this little Christmas pageant was of some keen interest to Sam and Simmy.
The Beatles music is all performed by local talent and musicians. Anyone who appreciates grassroots talent will enjoy singing along to these old songs that ring forth with prophetic resonance.
There is a good write- up of the story in The Winnipeg Free Press FYI feed your intellect faith section, December 3, 2011.
The tickets are only $10 and I can't imagine getting a better bang for your buck anywhere.
The word 'Trember' is a word I made up to describe the play... I'm sure urban dictionary will be asking to use it soon.
'Trember' is a mix of tremble and timbre. We all know what it means to tremble. Timbre is the characteristic quality of a sound, independent of pitch and loudness, from which its Source or manner of production can be inferred. Timbre depends on the relative strengths of the components of different frequencies, which are determined by resonance. (definition taken from
That is a great way to describe this play. The traditional Star of Hope overshadows the production with artistic license. (Do you see the Star in the photo?)
This Christmas, maybe you too will sponsor a child to relieve a little suffering in the world. It is a gift to yourself, really... as you make the world better for one, you make it better for yourself too. 
That timbre has a ripple effect.
Go see the play tonight! You'll love what they did with it!

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