... indeed.
Simmy had been working hard to keep the little stocking gifts interesting. Today, the gift was very interesting. It was a simple mirror, that, in itself, was a mirror of itself...
Simmy had a recollection of a year ago... She had visited a Dutch Dime Store that she had not been to before. It was located on Chalmers. At that time, she had been looking for an old mirror, something antique looking.
When she walked into the store, she found the 'mirror' section immediately. An older gentleman, don't let a hearing aid fool you, offered his help.
"Can I help you with anything?" This is what servant of the chambers said.
"I'm looking for an old mirror," Simmy responded innocently.
"Well, I'm an old mirror but my wife still needs me," he said, just a tad sharply.
Immediately, Simmy stopped to look at this interesting man... tall, very lean, rugged, lined face, very sharp witted... yes, he would make the cut and at some point Simmy knew he would be featured on Romance Designer.
Now, there are many ways of saying the same thing and this man had developed his delivery to be saucy yet savory... kind of like a good, yet spicy, soup.
As Simmy thought about him, today, she figured, "I'll bet that man has rarely bored God."
Now, I know most people don't think that God gets bored... but I do... I think we bore Him a lot.
Imagine God watching you... 24/7... 'Aww, look how cute that family is... hair all tousled... just getting up to greet the day... they look so vulnerable and... Oh, oh, is that a frown, oh, oh, is that yelling... well, I've seen that before... Yawn! Yep! I'll just watch another one of my kids... 'Oh, oh! Same old, same old... Who can change things up a bit?'... 'Hey, that's a good inventive manner of communication. I think I'll watch this guy and that gal for a while! Interesting! Very interesting!'
So, this Christmas, instead of being the bore in the store...
be the red bow that brings some Ho, Ho, Ho...
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