Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Garnet Coeval

Lady Wisdom set the table on Monday but... when Sam came home in excruciating pain from a broken tooth that had snapped in the night... Simmy could tell he wasn't going to be eating anything that he had to chew so...
they ate oatmeal for dinner on a very finely set table.
Now, it was early Tuesday morning and Simmy went to find the sandpaper for her painting project.
Well, well, well,... rubies turn to garnet overnight!
Simmy grimaced. After the night they had just gone through with Sam and his exposed nerve... it did rather feel like abrasive Tuesday.
So, if you are bemoaning your lack of rubies... confer with Lady Wisdom and she may tell you to fetch your garnet... sandpaper, that is, and get back to work.
Phonetically, it may sound like it is a coeval, but it takes a lot of sanding to polish a ruby... and wisdom dictates that if garnet polishes rubies, then we can appreciate them equally.

Maybe just apply them differently.

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