Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Profitable Equilibrium

So, 'Google' is trying new ways of routing your questions.
Woah, baby, some of this is just not working out very good at all.
So, I 'google' 'Jonathan in the Bible' and I decide to see what 'wikipedia' has to say about it... just curious.
After I click 'back', the search engine has the phrase 'was Jonathan in the Bible gay' in the search bar, even though I didn't ask that question and I was not seeking information on that topic.
I had written a blog called 'David on Jonathan' and, yes, it was likely misinterpreted... Jonathan was a street and David, an individual that lived on that street, at one time.
So, as 'google' tries new ways of redirecting your traffic... BEWARE!
Their method offers suggestions and those are not always purely helpful.
So, how and what you ask is going to become very important.
So, don't let that 'Wolfram Alpha' guy unloose his program... Oy!... we could see 'Omega' before long, then.
Dr. L, a professor, once told us how his wife used to get mad at him when 'Seventh Day Adventists' or 'Jehovah Witnesses' or whoever,... (just mentioning those two because he did- don't send any emails please),  would go to his door trying to 'persuade' him into their 'faith.'
He'd let them talk and he'd never tell them that he had a doctorate... theology, philosophy and religion... I think.
He'd only address the issues that they were addressing... he wouldn't even give them the answers most of the time.
Now, I've had about 10 years to think about his reasons for 'not giving away answers.'
I've reasoned through and watched human behaviour in a number of situations and the logical conclusions to 'information and power in the wrong hands' tends to bring chaos.
Knowledge, power, money... tend to destroy people if they don't have the capacity to hold it in profitable equilibrium.

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