Sunday, February 20, 2011

Poop Deck Winter's Day

Minus 25 degrees Celsius doesn't exactly conjure up poop deck fantasies... or is that exactly what conjures up poop deck fantasies?
Simmy and Sam and construction son had all been challenged by a flu bug the last few days. The swinging temperatures always made flu bugs easy to catch.
"Don't know why we want to catch them," Simmy tried for a little humour in the situation.
From one old book to another, Simmy was wading her way through 'Heidi.' Never having read the book, it was a bit of a surprise... probably the same way she had felt about Tom Sawyer.
"I've obviously had very idealistic thoughts about life and old literature. Wow! It's much more raw than I thought it would be. Maybe that's why I like Peterson's translation of the Bible... much more real life." 
She flipped the wire laundry basket upside down and filled the blue floral mini print pitcher, with the still feisty daisies. Generally speaking, Simmy didn't allow herself fresh flowers, in winter, until the latest ones started wilting. These hot pink ones were going for the record. She had purchased them on February 4th.
"Pretty darn good, 16 days and still perky. What else depicts summer? Hmm, a sea-grass footstool."
She rummaged around and pulled out a sea-grass basket, "You'll do!"
As she set up the little summer scene, it just didn't feel right to have the window closed, so she opened it! The fresh air billowed in moving the nautical 'chinos inspired' curtains... yes, curtains, they're not drapes.

The very chic 'made in Montreal' nautical hat made a reappearance from the Fair Weather Meadows scene set and... click!
Something still seems missing... if it really is hot... then, an umbrella... sun protection...
Simmy shifted the angle of the camera, more to exclude things in the room than as a perfectly planned shot and... Voila!
The angle made the room tilt and, immediately, Simmy felt her stomach churn. "I couldn't have planned it better. Even the floor looks like a new polished deck," she smiled happily quelling the nausea.

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