Chapter 59 (cont'd)
J.P. and Crew all had lunch at Green Oak Gardens. The line up, for the Russian variety of perogies, was a long one.
Simmy was perusing the books at the various tables. 'Nothing New' had some competition this year and Simmy could see why. Their prices had risen substantially from the previous year and there were a couple of new, enterprising businesses that had set up as well. "In the world of business, this is nothing new," Simmy punned the idea in her mind, her lips mumbling the thought.
J.P. was looking over a book called 'Judith' which was a story about a martyred Jewess- turned- Christian, in Russia.
Simmy was holding a copy of 'A Weaver of Dreams' as she approached J.P.
"What are you thinking of buying?"
J.P. held the small book, heavily, in his hands. "It's a true narrative about the life of a girl, the daughter of a prominent Jewish family in Russia- the Weinbergs."
Simmy lifted her eyebrows, "Well, that does fit the bill for your movie. You can't find a name more Jewish than Weinberg."
Suddenly J.P. laughed, "My mother knows a couple of Weinberg families and she often says, of the one father, "His big desert is definitely a hierarchy problem."
Simmy suggested, "Why don't you read it and see if any of it inspires you? Why not ask your Mom if she has read it? Her relationship with 'Rabbi Thomas' must have garnered their own personal 'Discourse of the Rabbis.'"
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