Chapter 58
At Union Station the next day, J.P. & Crew were setting up a scene to include the arrival of Lord Athlone and the Princess Alice. It had not yet been decided if the scene would be used to re-create the Quebec Conference of 1944 using the Hotel Fort Garry as the Hotel Frontenac, or if the scene would be used to depict their arrival after the meetings.
J.P. was sitting with Simmy and hashing over the possibilities.
"Well, you can decide if you want to play up World War II in the movie, or play it down. The movie is about your parents, so you can shoot the footage today and decide later how you would like to use it."
J.P.'s shoulders were a bit tense but they relaxed when Simmy offered options.
"Most of the information you can find on the Earl and the Princess, during the second world war, is almost strictly ambassador status. They used their power to protect and offer a temporary home for stateless members of royal families displaced by the War. Royalty came from Norway, Luxembourg, Yugoslavia, Greece, Austria and the Netherlands."
Simmy waited for the information to work into J.P.'s genius mind.
"If we use the footage, we'll make it a news story," he paused, "in the movie. It may have seemed to others that they didn't do anything significant during the second world war but it seems serving a dinner in style was rather under-appreciated," J.P. gave a deep chuckle.
"As it is today," murmured Simmy.
"Yes, maybe we'll make the scenes brief with a stronger emphasis on the arts, like the Jane Eyre film that debuted in 1944. We'll use that poster in the photo ops."
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