Chapter 53
Simmy woke to the sound of equipment on the front street. As she went to take a peek out the front window, city workers, with tree trimming tools, were creating Popsicle ornaments out of thick, lush trees.
There was a man standing under Sam and Simmy's tree, but he seemed to be distracted by the tree trimming happening two doors down. When Simmy saw him shake his head which usually means, "Newbie hasn't been trained right... doesn't know which branches to cut. Oy!"
She grabbed her camera and popped out the front door to ask some questions and just in time... 'Newbie' was standing under their tree, happily wielding a power trimmer. Simmy shuddered.
"What are you doing?" Simmy asked as calmly as possible.
"We're trimming the trees," Newbie replied.
Simmy smiled, "Don't trim too much!"
'Newbie' paused, attentive to the warning, and then, "We don't have to trim your tree at all if you don't want it trimmed. We're just trying to cut the branches that may lean into the street and impede the passing of large trucks. If you don't want your tree cut, I don't have to."
'Newbie' waited for an answer.
Simmy looked at what had already been lopped off and calmly stated, "How about if you just even it out now?"
"Absolutely!" Newbie replied, very congenially happy to comply.
When 'Newbie' was done the trimming job, the branches were neatly hefted into the composting truck.
'Newbie' smiled at Simmy and said, "Thank You!"
Simmy smiled back, "You're welcome!"
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