Friday, September 30, 2011

Cimarron to Cimarron

It was a cloudy day but the rain stayed away and that makes for a rewarding drive out to the country. The Antique sale was surrounded by fenced in horses who were quite content to munch and munch and munch... on hay.
The tiny red barn was adorable with two floors of well spaced and displayed treasures. The staircase was steep so it reminded one of climbing into a hayloft as a child.
The wind was strong and sounded quite ominous in the little barn and the whole structure seemed to sway. Widened eyes looked at two other women who were poking in and around the little treasure shop and one of them said, "Woah! Is this building moving?"
"It feels like it but I haven't got my sea legs yet," said Simmy jokingly.
She found an old book she hadn't read yet so she purchased that and a few other baubles.
She left the little barn and went to talk to the horses. As she bent down to place her purchases on the grass, the wind swirled up around her and and her cape lifted and flipped completely over her head and Simmy had to do some odd shimmying to get that cape back in place.
The ranch owner came up to her while she was trying to get a picture of a certain horse.
"I thought I had a bullfighter on my property," he gently needled her.
Simmy blushed. "Hey, I was already lacking in dignity when I was all caught up in my cape, you're not supposed to say anything!"
He laughed.
"I'm trying to get a picture of that horse," Simmy pointed to Mr. Munchie.
"Hey, Cim...on," he yelled.
"What did you call him?" Simmy asked wide- eyed.
"You're kind of freaking me out here. I just bought that book from the sale," she looked at Mr. Rancher with suspicion.
  He just grinned his self assured grin and walked away.
"I wonder which character, in the book, he'll remind me of the most," Simmy mused, looking forward to reading the book to find out.
The old beat up mailbox looked like a perfect display case for a Christmas Sale, so Simmy walked all the way back to the little barn to buy the galvanized piece of time weathered art.

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