Thursday, January 27, 2011

Time Travel

Story Puzzle of the Day... written by El.
Last week, at the gym, I read an article in New York magazine, December 2009, called 'Tim Keller wants to save your yuppie soul.' In the article, my favorite part of the interview is this... "In the late eighties, ... Presbyterian Church of America, asked him to oversee the building- or "planting," in the Evangelical argot- of a church in Manhattan. The idea was that winning believers in New York would have an influence out of proportion to the group's numbers. When Keller's first two picks for the pastor's job declined the offer, Keller,... decided to move and take the position himself. 'I just felt it would be cowardly of me not to,' he says. 'But we had a kind of 'sick in the pit of our stomach' feeling every day.' I later asked Kathy, Tim's soul mate and more blunt-spoken alter ego, whether the church ladies... worried about the couple, as if they were being sent on a mission to a remote African village. 'Oh, that would have been easier,' she said. 'Big bad Whore of Babylon is where we were going.'"
End quote.
Also on my coffee table is the book, 'What Katy Did At School' which was written in 1873 by pen-named Susan Coolidge, or Sarah Chauncey Woolsey, niece of Theodore Dwight Woolsey, who was President of Yale University from 1846- 1871.
Now, why, might you ask, would I be reading such diverse books at the same time?
Dr. L, (a pastor who had a doctorate) once told me, "There isn't anything worth reading that was written after the early 1900's."
Being the kind of person that I am, I decided to see if he might have a point.

Last night I watched, 'Timecop' with Sam and oldest construction son.
Then, I annoyed said son by watching him play 'BATTLEFIELD BAD COMPANY 2.'  'Warning- Serious gamers are annoyed if mothers ask questions while they are gaming!'
Now, what do... the article from New York magazine, the novel written in 1873, the Van Damme movie 'Timecop' and 'BATTLEFIELD BAD COMPANY 2' have in common?
All of these speak in their own coded argot, about injustice and changes in the past, present, and future and how to deal with life when the 'defecation hits the oscillation.' (borrowed that phrase from the 'Battlefield' game). 

And... on a rather odd concurrence... a common thread is the number 10.
Does anyone else hear the intro for 'The Twilight Zone?'

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