Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Right Thinking vs. Wrong Thinking

Simmy asked youngest construction son what the topic of their sermon had been on Sunday.
"It was about new thinking," he replied.
"Hmm, new thinking is a good topic but, when I pray, I ask for right thinking," Simmy replied.
"Well, how can anyone know what is right thinking? Everyone thinks they think right," he said.
"You need to develop a series of tests for yourself to constantly run your thoughts through... kind of like the pre-trip inspection every truck driver is required to do before they set off on their day. The reason for the pre-trip inspection is, 'so that all harm to the driver and all others on the road can be avoided by spotting possible problems and fixing them before the driver sets off.' Or, think of it as a water purification system, always filtering out what is bad for you to give you the chance to operate at optimal capacity."
"What are some of the questions?" Young son challenged.
"First question, I believe, is... who or what will suffer harm if I do this or don't do this?
"If you want to hear it in the positive... who or what will benefit if I do this or don't do this?"
Those two questions should fulfill both the alpha and the omega thinkers.

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