Chapter 41 (cont'd)
Sam leaned over and whispered to Simmy, "Where did you manage to find a gift for the party on such short notice?"
"It might be the country, Sam, but there was a little gift boutique in town called the 'Castle Boutique.'" Simmy smiled and winked at Sam.
"You are on the most interesting treasure hunt, aren't you?" Sam replied.
"I'm going to start my own 'geocaching' game. I'll call it 'romancecaching,'" Simmy's eyebrows lifted in suggestive fashion.
"What kind of prizes will you give? I can see a lurid side to this that you may not have thought of," Sam looked at Simmy wondering how her past experiences had still left an unblemished thought pattern of innocence.
"Lurid?" Simmy tried to think of the dark side of romance and suddenly her shoulders drooped and she looked so disheartened that Sam felt a need to lift her spirits.
"You could devise your own 'rule etiquette' of prizes so things stay clean," Sam suggested.
At this thought, Simmy cheered up, reinventing her plan for 'RomanceCaching.'
"RomanceCaching for people who want to cash in on 'Romance.' My brother and his wife seemed to be really sweet on each other when we last saw them. They were the first people who introduced us to geocaching. It sounds like a great tool for building romance in couples. Ooh, baby, I'm going to develop this, somehow..., a place for concealment and safekeeping valuables... Romance."
Simmy's cellphone chirped and she opened it quickly. "We booked a reception place for our wedding. It's at 'Kingswood!' J&J Romance Team."
"Our kids just booked their wedding reception at a place called 'Kingswood,'" Simmy whispered to Sam.
"The story of Romance continues," Sam drawled in low tones.
"The wedding in Kingswood Forest... It is the glory of God to conceal a matter but the honour of kings is to search out a matter," Simmy quoted the ancient scroll.
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