Chapter 40 (cont'd)
Most of the wedding party had gathered in the parking lot after a photography session. Relaxed in off-camera mode, one of the male attendants had inadvertently posed in perfect GQ style. GQ meaning 'Guentermen's Quality' of which, Simmy had noted, he had a perceivable amount. He displayed no narcissism but instead a refined style of understated servant-hood even more pronounced, perhaps, in suited attire.
Within an hour, this young man stood up to make a speech to the groom. His method was interesting, thought Simmy. He delivered a statement of truth, stunningly honest, so much so that the gathered guests held their breath and it was very silent after a few gasps. This GQ man noted the awkwardness immediately and followed each bleached statement with a fabric softener chaser to the audible sigh of relief from the crowd. GQ man seemed to read his audience, on the fly, and responded, developing a cadence of truth spoken in love. When his portmanteau was completely packed, or unpacked, (depending on how your mind works), there were alternating layers of cotton duck work-wear and soft cotton t-shirts draped on the crowd.
"Very good speaker," Simmy whispered to Sam.
"I spoke with him earlier and he said this is the first time he's given a speech," Sam replied.
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