A perfect Wednesday afternoon turned into a perfect Wednesday evening. I'm talking about the weather.
J.P. and Crew had agreed to form a baseball team while they were filming during this summer in the Muskokas.
Tonight, J.P. had invited Sam and Simmy to drop by the baseball diamond and have a few laughs,... not at the team, but... with the team.
As they neared the ball diamond, Jane was in the opposing teams' 'dugout'... visiting. So Jane!
J.P. had informed Sam and Simmy that the team had been 17 and 1 this season so they didn't ask the score when they climbed the peeled green bleachers to get a good view.
Simmy noticed that the posture of the 'Lemmings' told the story of how things were going on this beautiful Canadian summer evening. Lemmings, with #2 on every persons' jersey. Hmm! A comical prophet came up with that, she thought.
Agatha shuffled to her place, as back-catcher, looking like the weight of the world rested on her shoulders, alone.
Rob looked like it was quite a STRETCH to walk all the way to outfield as they were, once again, relegated to the defensive position.
Kim was hoping that Calvin and Bart kept the cameras OFF her this evening. She was struggling to keep her smile on.
Darren was wondering... had he been in left field when he agreed to play?
Marc stopped short of 'calling it a game.'
Denis was thinking about the childhood game 'Red Rover.' "There are no losers in that game. All the players are on the winning team at the end." He was giving himself this pep talk as he chucked Tony on the shoulders.
Tony, obversely dejected, took up his position on 3rd base. 'What could he teach his Little League Team from this game???- Sportsmanship?' Alex had happily given him a chance to turn things around- smart chap. He and Peggy were sitting this inning out.
Terri was guarding 2nd base, grinding out for her 'True Grit.'
As the ball got passed around, Sandy, on first base found it to be a real effort to bend down to try to catch it. It slipped, slowly, passed his glove.
Krista, the pitcher, had an erratic lobbing style of pitching, that, IF PERFECTED, would be almost impossible to judge... if only... when it was right, it dropped, like a stone in perfect strike zone, over the base. The unsuspecting batters looked confused every time the ump put up his hand for 'Strike.'
Seeing as it was a beer league, the teams umped for each other which tended to give an even balance of fairness to the 'calls.' 'Do unto others' was, somehow, easy to follow.
A song popped into Simmy's head by Dallas Holm, 'I'll be a fool for you, Jesus,' so she squared her shoulders and started cheering. Not a gentle, clapping- of- hands, whisper but a 'loud, encouraging, raw throat hollering that Sam soon joined and the two 'Lemmings' fans wore themselves out cheering for the Media League.
Within a few minutes of this behaviour, that had Scott, the center-fielder, slightly embarrassed... sound guys are not your 'spotlight' hounds... the posture of the 'Lemmings' team went through a metamorphosis.
Shoulders squared. Jaws tightened. Quadriceps quivered. Biceps tensed as the cheering awakened a new synaptic strength in the brain... HOPE... POSSIBILITY... these two Hebbian (Donald Olding Hebb) cells shook hands and the new network forged a 'GET UP AND TRY AGAIN' relationship.
Sam and Simmy pushed on, shouting and screaming 'you're great s, way to go s, good catch s, until the Hebbian theory of 'cells that fire together, wire together,' was producing some new neural networking.
Sandy started coming alive, doing things that men half his age could only dream of. Marc made a catch that the 'big leagues' drool over. There was cheering from both sides for that one. Scott, sunglasses on, caught a soaring hit.
Soon the Lemmings had three 'outs' and were up to bat.
Stella, wearing an 'Untouchables' jersey stepped to the plate and proved the jersey correct. Solid Hit!
Did they get one run? Or two?
Cheering from the two fans continued.
There was more fight in the Lemmings now.
Agatha almost shouted, "Come on, Team!"
Krista started acing her pitches.
It was breathless. It was fun. It was transforming.
Scott laughed and told them afterwards, "Thanks for coming! You guys were really nice."
Sam looked at Simmy, "Is your voice raw?"
"Yep! It sure is!"
They laughed a good belly laugh and headed back to the Hummer, feeling like conquerors.
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