Chapter 40 (cont'd)
Simmy took Sam by the shoulders and looked him straight in the eyes, "That is over. We can learn from it but we need to move on. T.D. Jakes recommends that we run as fast as we can into our future and away from our adversity."
"That is, possibly, the opposite advice that many counselors would give. Many of them would want you to dredge through the lake of your past to uncover the shackles that bind you," Sam said.
"Most shackles at the bottom of a lake hold only dead things, Sam. So, if there are 'dead things' in ones' past, like relationships or incidents of abuse, those are the things to walk FORWARD from. He says, sometimes uncovering a bondage in the past is the answer but still for the same purpose of exposing a lie to move forward into this new season of your life." Simmy paused, thinking. She saw Laeh coming toward them with a tray of empty glasses and she moved into encompassing form as she swept her arm wide in front of Laeh and quoted with stage-like drama, "Sail toward your destiny' and 'embark upon new horizons.'"
Laeh replied with, "Fill your empty glass with fresh wine!" She used her left hand to draw attention to the empty glasses and bowed to Sam and Simmy.
"Very good, Laeh," Simmy clapped her hands with awed delight.
"Are you sure he didn't write that book for men?" Sam laughed. "We love to leave bad experiences behind us. We're 'king' of that," Sam coughed derisively.
"Well, my 'king of pardon' let's mosey on back to the cottage. I've had enough 'party' for one night and we have a birthday party to attend tomorrow afternoon."
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