Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Peace Offering

Simmy had always loved this little church. It was now mostly inhabited by birds but it had always stood out as a little warm welcoming kind of church. Sandwiched in between two highways, it now had 'historical' status and had even been given a new roof in recent years.
The Jewish Encyclopedia states, "There are three kinds of peace- offering: 1. the thank offering...
The thank offering is a a response to divine beneficence;..."
Now, those are big words and so Simmy had to find a book to read on divine beneficence. She found a good old book called 'The Divine Law of Beneficence' written by Reverend Parsons Cooke in 1850.
We'll see what that book has to say... you can actually read it on-line at...
The first quote that got my attention was this one, "And when he put in motion the broad mechanism of his mercy, he put upon it laws of action and reaction, and made the work of heavenly charity, in all its branches, twice blessed, blessing him that gives and him that takes." p.6
"... to give scope to our benevolent affections." p.7

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