Sunday, August 28, 2011

Of Sinners and Saints

Sam and Simmy walked down 'Thistle Lane' to reach the abandoned house with happy blue paint.
The thistles had grown to be 5 feet tall but Sam just pushed his sandal-ed foot down at the root ball where it met the dirt and down they went... they don't have any roots you know!
It was a grueling little high stepping, itchy leg traipse through the field of thistles but Simmy was curious to see if she could get a few old house pictures.
The only door to the dilapidated house was ajar and it was just one of those poignant moments when you know... this picture is speaking.
There was no feeling of sorrow on this piece of land... just evidence of what once was. Simmy was one of those optimistic people that couldn't help thinking of the house as a 'fixer upper.'
There was a window, still intact, and she really wanted a photo of it, so Sam sandal-ed his feet onto the big weeds, and soon she had a perfect view of this window.
The curtains were still hung and there was a view of the outdoors through this pane of glass that was just so clear...
when they rounded the corner of the house, they knew why...
The wall was completely missing on this side of the house.
"The furniture is still all in here. The pictures are still on the wall..." Sam said, matter- of- factly.
Simmy felt uneasy looking at all the 'stuff' so she looked up and... there she found the next perfect photo... the ceiling trusses were intact and the boards covering them were standing in the gap with the sun shining through every crack, planting 'Good Hope' into the feeling of this tiny little house.
As Simmy took two more photos of the property...
... the trees waved in a lush and happy environment kind of way and she thought of the flattened swath of grass underneath them that Sam had said was likely where the deer had bedded down.
As they pulled out of their little 'adventurous' escapade, Simmy thought, "What a great place to build again!"

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