Monday, August 15, 2011

Drill Instructor

Monday... the sound of drilling woke both Sam and Simmy.
Oldest construction son had headed out of town just before 5 a.m. and it hadn't seemed very long after... that the sounds of a very large drill had sent the sleep fairies diving for cover, their slender hands covering their ears and their eyes bulged out in shock.
Simmy got up, groaning with the searing pain of a myofascial trigger point screaming revenge for the disturbed sleep.
The muscle had swelled, in the night, and she'd already tossed and turned for a few hours, looking for a position that would relieve the pressure.
She went outside to check on the construction workers. She winced as she saw branches of the cherry tree being trimmed to accommodate the machinery that the drill was attached to.
"Don't trim too much!" She begged.
"We're just trimming this side. You'll still have a tree on the other side," he said.
Simmy wasn't sure if she should laugh or cry at that comment.
When she asked this fellow if she could take a picture of him, he replied, drill instructor swiftly, 'No!'
Sam and Simmy sat down in their Adirondack chairs to watch, their morning coffee seeming lukewarm in the hot, 29 degree morning.
Simmy remembered the story that construction son had told about the apprentice that he'd been assigned...   
unwilling, possibly, to appear too unseasoned, 'Wood used mostly for electric guitar building' had just responded with a simple 'Yes' when oldest construction son had asked if he had done any pipe bending.
An hour later, son- in- charge had the suspicion that 'yes' really meant 'once' and his frustration with 'Wood used mostly in electric guitar building' was barely masked as he instructed the young man in better time- saving methods of working...
Here's hoping there will be a lot more pipe bending this week and a lot less truth bending... so the electrics can stay work related instead of emotions related!

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