Saturday, August 13, 2011

Fence Came Down

The doorbell rang early Friday morning. Simmy was already hard at work, writing her novel and the interruption was, well, an interruption.
"Sorry to bother you... but we're starting to tear down the fence this morning, ma'am."
Did he say ma'am?
"I thought you said you'd be here early Saturday morning."
"Well, we're ahead of schedule," said 'a brave and powerful warrior.' (a.k.a. 'one who gathers caraway seeds) "I know you had quite a bit of stuff to move back there. We can help with that."
Simmy looked down at her skirt and bare feet and grimaced, "I guess I'll go get my running shoes on."
Half an hour later, the wire ceiling that had been constructed for the rehearsal party was mostly taken down. The bikes were moved, the Adirondack chairs went to the front yard, the... was moved, the...  you get the picture.
When the young fellas took down the first section of fence and said, "We can help you take down those wires," Simmy grinned a rather sweaty smile... and said, "Everything is moved. I even took down the wash line so you wouldn't get hung by it and... I had 37 seconds to spare."
The young man smiled and said, "Thank you so much. You have a beautiful yard."
Simmy smiled back and said, "Thank you. We love it!"
As she turned around to hide her little grin, she was thinking, "He's been 'romanced' by the Romance Designer. All he did was touch the first section of fence and already he's a gentleman, speaking forth kind compliments.
A little later, Simmy told the young men she'd have fresh rhubarb pie ready for coffee time.
I guess they were shy. The pies were ready but the young men were hard at work.

C'est la vie!

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