Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Square Day

Chapter Wednesday
It took most of the day but the yummy square that was a favorite of oldest construction son and maybe even middle one too,... was done and ready to be cut and eaten and squarely shared...

It was one of those days when one hopes that what needs to be squared away will not require a square off and and maybe Simmy and Sam could get treated fair and square with the warranty promises of the car company who Simmy hoped was not squaring their shoulders in a defensive position by saying they'd squared away the handle problem by squarely refusing to give Sam and Simmy the solution they were seeking the day the vehicle was driven off the lot. Simmy lifted a square off the parchment and was truly hoping that they wouldn't have to go back to square one with this issue again and that the company would just square accounts because, in the end, fancy words don't cut no squares when they aren't squared up with some square action.

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