My husband purchased almost all of these for me, over the last ten years (can we hear, aww, that's so sweet). There's a new one in there from my son and his lovely new wife.
So, what's in all these journals, you ask... Treasure, lots and lots of treasure and... my heart. When I struggle to 'see' the next step, I delve into my journals. What was I thinking, planning; last year, or even five years ago? I put my notes, that I take in the teaching segment at church, in these journals. I pair that wisdom, with what I'm thinking and experiencing at that time. God is pretty 'logical' in his sequencing. If we're doing our part, He's doing His. If there's something we're supposed to be learning, we'll get the corresponding object lesson. This principle works backwards and forwards. If you're not sure what you're supposed to be learning, here's a clue to your treasure- what experience did you have this week that was 'hard, unexpected, or mystifying?' Think of the experience, or object lesson, keep flipping that gold coin through your fingers, until... Ahh! I got it! Then, if you wrote something in your journal, go back and read it. It'll all make sense when you apply your sens(ability). Your journal entries are your personal 'filter.' Filters are used for everything in life, for the purpose of removing impurities- from coffee to electronic. So today, I'm using electronic- writing in a active manner- not a passive one. (Anybody get that pun?)
I have always felt that I should write. My tutors, when I was studying interior design, really appreciated my writing skills. I would get a "always a great read" on most of my tests. I am almost done one book and I have the next one simmering. So, for all of you who aren't yet convinced that 'journaling' is effective, try it for a year. You'll like it!
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