This fireplace project is a 'crowning' achievement for my husband and I. We built this together! I am the, ideas, visionary, 'let's do it motivator' behind my husbands' tools. He says his tools are the worst procrastinators.
We had a little help, though, that we could not have done without, from my parents. My Dad is a carpenter and we needed to ask him to help us for the 'really intricate' compound mitered cuts on the crown moulding, as well as the decorative fireplace mantle edges. The crown moulding had to meet a cathedral ceiling. How many people can successfully cut those angles with a piece of wood and a tablesaw? There are many angles to be concerned with- the angle of the ceiling, the angle of the front crown moulding, cut just right to meet the angle of the ceiling and the angle of the side crown moulding, (each step has to be planned so each piece of wood will fit tightly to the last one and the next one), meeting the angle of the ceiling and the front crown. That's a lot of compound cuts. It even took my Dad a few practice cuts to get it right! What was my Mom's part in all this? She watched and listened and when I wasn't getting 'exactly' what I wanted for the shelf mantle... she spoke up and 'recommunicated' my desires to my Dad. I remember her saying very distinctly, "That isn't what she wants!" And, when my Mom spoke, my Dad stopped what he was doing and listened until he understood what he was supposed to be doing with that piece of wood. First came the facet of respect, then came the perfectly cut piece of wood! That's a diamond studded relationship!
So, gentlemen, the next time you say you don't understand how a marriage works- read the above instructions again.
For all the ladies out there... picture the cut that has to be made like this...
Hold up a 'diamond' to the light and look through it but still see all the edges- that's the job of a carpenter. Ah ha, when I'm talking diamonds, suddenly the girls are paying attention.
We girls love those diamonds and what a perfectly constructed symbol it is for what a marriage becomes as we polish it too!
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