I am exhausted- emotionally- from reading "UNDRESSED!" But... it is better to be exhausted from reading about the emotional trauma involved in committing to- sex- before -it's- time than it is to sexperience the emotional, physical, and spiritual trauma of having committed to- sex- before- it's- time. Song of Songs 2:7 "Don't excite love, don't stir it up, until the time is ripe- and you're ready."
Jason Illian has great advice and it is always good to hear it from a man who is fighting from the trenches.
"Keep up your shield, sword at the ready."
'God's mercies (kindness, compassion), are new every morning...' Ironic that this Scripture verse is found in Lamentations 3:22-23. So, if you are lamenting this morning because you've 'messed up,' take heart, oh loved one, ( I love that early 18th-19th century speech), today is a new day. We can all start again. Fresh starts... every relationship needs it every now and again!
"If you want to find a prince or princess, follow the rule of royalty:..." p. 187 "UNDRESSED" (I think I should be looking for a cheque in the mail for all this free advertising I've given this man.)
El's View
So, if you're wondering how roses, coffee and sex relate to each other.
Stop, and smell the roses
Take a sip of the coffee of life
With a kiss, a sweet kiss
But don't stir sex into the mix
Until you're ready for committment
For all roses have thorns
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