We started talking... about lineage which lead to 'faith.' He said he didn't agree with people who said that, 'you're going to hell if you don't believe in Jesus.'
I listened.
He said he believed in a God of love, not violence (Sam was a POW- I didn't know that at the time of our conversation).
I listened.
He said, 'God existed long before Jesus and that Jesus was a prophet.'
I said, 'Ah, but Scripture says that 'I and the Father are One.'
He replied, 'The God of Abraham!...' I replied, 'Yes, the God of Abraham!' Finally, we connected.
I also suggested that, maybe, his biggest complaint was 'method' of delivering the Message.
Sam is all about music and so I shared with him my background that would be interesting to him, to make a 'connection.' I told him I grew up singing a capella in a German choir. Very interesting to him, indeed. He asked me if I was an alto or a mezzo soprano.
I started singing, yes, right there at the gym, wearing my 'schmatta' (I know, crazy...)
"I believe in Jesus, I believe He is the Son of God, I believe He died and rose again, I believe He paid for us all." Then I stopped.
Sam said, "Mezzo soprano, just beautiful!"
Then Sam invited me to his next 'harmonica playing' event at Aqua books. Interesting... Aqua books is owned by Kelly and Candace Hughes; I had a friend/mentor ship relationship with Candace for 9 years, or so; Kelly is brother to Mark who is the pastor of Church of the Rock- none of which Sam knew about; very interesting, indeed.
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