Monday, March 28, 2011

Purple Prince of the Cosmos

The paint peeled door of the little greenhouse with the large, recycled, French windows sat in the early morning son, vivid and promising with... FLOWERS. As Simmy stepped over the ice patches, she glanced at the temperature gauge. Good, good! It was holding its' own. Inside this little space, the metal loaf pans were cooking up something green. 
"Ooh, look at you my Purple Prince, you are growing very well." This zinnia was pushing up through the soil and looked quite spunky indeed. 
The White Cosmos was also pushing its way up towards the sun that was slanting in through the fence board cracks. Another seasons' promise. Digging in the dirt and planting seeds were always a good reminder that God is still in the business of beauty, waking the world to a springtime wonder. 
But wait, some of these seeds were from the U.K. Did those seeds then belong to them?
Simmy laughed. 
She remembered a riddle that PA had once told. In church, no less.
'The Devil challenges God to a contest.
"I'll bet I can grow plants just as green and lush as yours," says the Devil to God.
"Alright. You're on!" God accepts the challenge.
The devil bends down to pick up some soil but God interrupts and says, "Oh, no, no, no, no," shaking his finger. "Get your own dirt."
After watching 'Bruce Almighty' on television last night that joke was even funnier.

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