Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Drama in Castle

Things were heating up with 'Parrot Stew' Mama and this time there was no latitude for compromise. 
She was starting to to get very upset with the doctors who were treating her husband. Friday night she had looked at their personal G.P. with big worshipful moony eyes and Sam and Simmy had been very happy with the evidence of love between doctor and patients... it's so adorable when the age difference is like that of parent to child. Their doctor was the age of their children and he seemed so protective over 'Parrot Stew' Mama.
But... Sun Ray or Shining Light was squinting her eyes and looking stormy and obstinate yesterday. She was getting very hard to handle and whatever the doctor on rounds yesterday had said had earned him the not so complimentary moniker... dummy.
Simmy was not on duty Monday night so she had decided to enjoy the televised romance between Castle and Beckett.
The family room already had another real time romance couple sitting cuddled together like a couple of bear cubs. They were both enjoying a chunk of rice krispie cake that Simmy had tossed together the day before. Quickly, Simmy grabbed her camera and captured a picture of the pair with their fingers in sticky piano pose.
'Castle' was entertaining and it was a one hour distraction from the real life romantic drama that Simmy's parents were currently wrapped up in.
'Love is all there is... when the spark of youth someday surrenders... the years may come and go but one thing I know, love is all there is... when I'm with you.'
That was the theme song for Simmy's folks.     

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