Chapter 21 (cont'd)
J.P. had a very satisfied look on his face as they wrapped up the bridge scene. He sent Lucy and Richard for a wardrobe change.
Sam and Simmy watched the beehive crew activity from a safe, out-of-the-fray distance.
As Richard and Lucy came back on set, he gave a few scanty instructions.
"Lucy, Richard, do you have your lines? I want to see a relaxed, playful, nobody's watching kind of interchange. The camera will follow you up the hill to the gazebo. Richard, you are to hold the umbrella for Lucy as you snuggle and smooch your way along. Everybody got it?" J.P. looked to see if the camera crew were ready and then cued the scene.
An hour and a half later, J.P. had enough footage for a few smooch and snuggle scenes. He leaned back in the directors' chair and said, "That's a wrap for today. We'll see you all on set tomorrow for a gardening scene, if the weather holds."
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