Chapter 22 (cont'd)
Conversation scene with Lucy and Ethel in progress...
Lucy laughs. "Oh, I have always had great expectations. There are times that has really brought me trouble, especially if I desire greater things at the expense of the people I love but when 'the greater things' are incised beauty growing in the people around me, well... look out! That becomes holy movement moments."
"What did you think about the message the Rabbi gave yesterday?" Ethel fingered the velvet on the quilt.
"Tests, tests, tests! What does Payne say?" 'No one with a ministry worth having has escaped the testing of the Devil. Satan does not tempt us to do wrong things; he tempts us in order to make us lose what God has put into us by regeneration- the possibility of being of value to God!'"
Ethel shivered. "What irony that 'Payne' and 'Pain' are pronounced exactly the same but the one heals the other."
"Very good, Ethel. That was spoken with the knowledge of experience." Lucy applauded her best friend.
J.P. stood and punched the air with jubilation. "That was great!" As he danced his 'success dance' he felt a small but firm hand on his arm. He turned to the 'Director' chair and looked into the face of Miss Eliza. She was smiling, no beaming!
"This is a worthy film, J.P. You can use my home for all the 'house scenes' if you wish. I can stay at Old Winery Inn for a while. I really don't mind. You must allow me to come on set some days though."
"Absolutely! We'll assign a driver to you. Thank you! Thank you very much!"
J.P. turned to give the crew instructions. "Let's move straight to another scene of conversation between Ethel and Lucy and while that is happening,... Richard and Carl, university colleagues, should get positioned out on the deck with a relaxed barefoot scene, cigarettes smoldering, science, physics conversation rolling off their tongues in a separate - yet - together wave cadence of multidisciplinary respect and comradery."
J.P. turned to Miss Eliza signaling the movie set crew 'off- camera' scene set work. Sabrina marched onto the set with stainless steel make- up suitcase in hand, dropped it onto the coffee table, opened it and proceeded to dab and powder the faces of Ethel and Lucy using her art medium.
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