Friday, June 17, 2011

Asia- Pacific Gateway

...and donut corridor???
We'll call this man 'Mr. Whittaker,' so named after a 'Adventures in Odyssey' character. It was barely nine a.m. and the sound of heavy machinery had been rumbling outside for a couple of hours already. Simmy woke from an odd dream of an Abbott dance dipping her... that was just so weird... must have been too many paint fumes from all the projects they were trying to complete in the house and outside.
Fancy sheds take lots of fancy time to make them look fancy... just so you know.
Anyway, back to Mr. Whittaker... they peeked through the fence and saw a foreman, in his hard hat uniform, delivering donuts to all the construction workers of this little piece of the Asia- Pacific Gateway Corridor.
Simmy ran to get her camera and as she was teetering on a bench, Sam trying to hold it steady, she hollered, "Hey! Hey!"
Just as Mr. Whittaker turned his perfect mustache her way, she snapped a picture and yelled, "You're going to be famous!" 

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