Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Painting Dorian Gray

Simmy went out to find paint for the shed and the gazebo and the trim around the windows of the house and the trim... and the gazebo floor.
The first place she looked was in the mistints. The names given to paint often inspire thought,... she thought.
Hmm, 'Dorian Gray,' a character in a novel by Oscar Wilde, is an intriguing option. Now, there was a man who made some bad decisions in his life... good thing it's just a novel.
Gerard, the paint man, approached Simmy to see if she needed any paint 'shaken.'
After choosing a lot of mistints and asking Gerard if she could just pour them all together so they would make up enough to paint the shed... she just 'happened to' mention that her lot backed the 'Asia Pacific Gateway' project and then said, "I want my shed to look 'nice' against that mammoth concrete wall that they'll be erecting. I want a strong colour contrast to the concrete."
"Those walls are going to get painted," he replied.
"What?" Simmy growled.
"Umm, we got the contract for painting all of those. They'll be putting a colour on called 'Sandstone.'
"Well, what colour is that?" Simmy was not being very cordial.
Gerard tried hard to find a paint chip but, alas, he couldn't find one so he pointed out a 'sort of like' colour on the paint chip wall.
"Good thing I decided to paint the shed a darker colour. It should look good on that background. What is your accent?" Simmy was never shy to ask personal questions.
"Well, I was born in England but I've lived here most of my life," said Gerard.
"Your accent sounds a little like watered down Scottish. Oh, that might not be a compliment to you," Simmy grimaced and Gerard, with his George Clooney eyes, just grunted and tallied up her purchases.

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