Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Quilting Contentment

In this week just before Easter... I think my hairdresser called it 'Holy week,' (she attends a Roman Catholic church), I thought the billboard message on an Anglican churchyard was very thought provoking.
'Fast from discontent!'
When I read that, I thought, 'that's for me!'
I struggle with being content, thought Simmy.
So, when I get that discontentment itch, I make a quilt and that always works out my jitters.
It is an interesting phenomenon, my quilting bee in my bonnet. I often call my quilts, 'Quilts of Birthing,' for each time I make one, something or someone is blessed in a very magnanimous way.
So, this week of quilting bee jitters produced a very lovely quilt indeed.
 I had been 'holding' the orange and 'red-purple' and green plaid vintage piece for a few years, waiting until I could mesh the right combination together.
Sometimes I fall in love with the a fabric and then am pleasantly surprised by the name of it.
Here is the story of this quilt...
Once upon a time in the land of 'Quilting Treasures' there lived a young maiden named 'Cinnamon Girl.' She set her eyes upon the prince who lived in Castle 'Moorish Tile.' Young 'Cinnamon Girl' read the classics such as 'Wuthering Heights' by Emily Bronte and 'Molly Goes to Paris.' Finally she met her prince and fell in love and the two remained 'Friends Forever,' living in 'Poppy Passion.' Ironically, 'Poppy Vine Springs' was known for its' 'Buttercups' and here, in this land of love, the 'Soul Blossoms.'   

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