Chapter 39 (cont'd)
J.P. & Crew finished a day of filming at Archer Winery.
As the last scene was given the wrap, J.P. announced, "There's a wedding at Old Winery Inn today so you've all got the rest of the day off,..."
There were cheers from all the Crew but J.P. put a bitter tannin into the party when he added, "...but not the evening."
The happy merry-making soon turned to 'drat' and 'boo' as the Crew exchanged their emotions for effect.
"We'll try to film a couple of scenes in the garden to get some party footage."
After he stopped speaking, the entire Crew worked feverishly to get packed up so the next three hours could be taken full advantage of.
J.P. just grinned and shook his head, "Nothing like the promise of 'time off' to motivate a Crew to deliver their hardest work ever."
Back at Old Winery Inn-
Sam and Simmy were relaxing on this Saturday. They had just had a leisurely breakfast, sneaking in just before the kitchen was closed for the wedding. As they moved out of the Inn to the parking lot, Simmy noticed a little girl trying desperately to wedge some 'Moccasin' boots onto her sweaty little feet. The Mom was chatting with someone and Simmy approached and asked if she could help the little girl get her boots on. The Mom turned to look at her little girl and chuckled and said, "You can try. It's mighty hot out here."
Simmy bent down and asked the little muppet what her name was.
"I'm Ruby," she said with a groan as she muscled the boot at a bad angle onto her foot.
Simmy reached over and tried to help but it had been many years since she'd helped her babes get their shoes on. It was hard to remember how hard one could push on these four year old legs. With some grunting and groaning, Ruby wedged her foot into the boot and Simmy stood up to beckon the Mom over to help with the other.
"Oh, honey, it's too hot for those boots today." The Mom knelt down anyway and pushed the second boot onto Ruby's foot with swift ease.
Simmy responded with, "I forgot how hard you could push or twist and turn on such a young foot."
"Oh, they're tough, these little ones," she stood up to let Ruby display her boots.
"May I take a picture?" Simmy requested.
"Sure! Go ahead!" The Mom went back to talking to her friends.